Lakiesha "BEYOUT" Barkers
Kingdom Lifestyle Advocate, BEYOUT Strategist, Legacy LeadHERship DevelopHER, & Empire BuildHER.
Lakiesha believes that transparency and vulnerability are God given superpowers that have consistently blazed her trail to success. She believes that authenticity, a strong belief system rooted in God's love, obedience, & intentionality have been the catalyst for her passion to personal and professional development and leadHERship building.
How can one create or lead and not know their identity?
In a nutshell, the passion behind her, "why", was that she truly wanted to create a safe space for BEYOUTFULL leadHERs globally to develop a sense of identity. Identity rooted in fostering a personal relationship with God sets the standard and creates an unbreakable foundation to withstand anything.
Meet Lakiesha, King's Kid, Wife, Mother, & Servant leadHER. She is forever indebted to walking in God's LOVE, exposing His LIGHT, & Declaring LIBERTY for His BEYOUTFULL Masterpieces. She is truly his masterpiece, learning to master peace.
We are all, a product of BEYOUT.
He makes everything BEYOUTFULL in His time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
BEYOUT is an acrynym that describes the word"beauty"
BEYOUT, to the ZOLAS BEYOUT brand is an inside job.
Discovering one's BEYOUT isn't a destination, it's a forever evolving journey. It's a journey of self love, self awareness, self discovery, self worth, and self acceptance.
BEing YOU may not always seem like the easiest thing to do but it's VITAL to get out of life what God truly created you for. Acknowledging, Accepting, and BEing Accountable for your BEing is the most important thing on Earth to do. Allow God to LEAD you in spirit & truth.
YOU are the specific one for the job. Every experience you have encountered has given you a unique perspective on the purpose burning on the inside of YOU. Everything you need YOU already possess. Allow God to DEVELOP you from the inside out.
TRUST YOUR journey and YOUR process. When God created us He did so specifically and intricately for such a time as this and HE will use it all in the end. Stop saying "why me?" embrace YOUR truth and figure out WHY not me!?!" Allow God to BUILD you and make you whole.
I will forever be a beacon of light, love, and liberty for God's people.
I will surrender my life to The Father daily so that I am fully equipped to be used for His glory and win back souls for His Kingdom.
I will lead, develop, and build God's people as long as He sees fit for me to be His mouthpiece.
Ever since I can remember, God would come and meet me where I was, always encouraging me and reminding me that He created me with purpose and something was roaring on the inside of me dying to come out. When I finally came to the point where I was tired of trying to put the pieces to my puzzle together on my own, He was waiting with open arms. He came and delivered me from operating in my own strength, and reminded me of His limitless aerial view and saved me from my limited perspective. Needless to say, I chose His route and ever since I made a vow to reach back and serve Him daily to regain His people and tell the world the truth about the God that saved me. God loves us all. He created us all intricately and every single detail is full of HIS purpose.
I VOW, that every single life that experiences me WILL be introduced to God and His BEYOUTFULL love for them. They WILL be all that He called them to BE! 💕
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